Metal, Paper, Fiber, Horses, Cows & Grit
I love traveling the West and Midwest, especially Iowa, and connecting with the land. This passion led me to learn the ancient art of papermaking, which combines nature into a tactile and valuable new material.
I love being alive on the land, which led me to become a landscape architect and create physical landscape designs. This passion has culminated in my current work, which melds natural materials to bring the landscape inside and outside art.
The love of making the book. The tactile sensation of paper. Memories embedded in touch.
Papermaking has been practiced for centuries. The delicacy, strength and natural beauty is endless to what crafted paper becomes.
Raw Beginings
Finding my way through the senses, breathing the clean air, being in the fields, feasting on newly forming life. Connecting to the ground. Touch, smell, love.